Preserving history.
Building community.

In 2015 Old Hazeldell Quarry LLC applied to Lane County to rezone 107 acres of forested land and elk calving ground on TV Butte for gravel mining.

We stopped them.

Now they're trying to do it again, and we need your help.

Get Involved
    tv butte drone shot

    Upcoming Event

    Save TV Butte Task Meet

    Jun 9, 2024

    Meet at the Oakridge Museum on the second sunday of June for our monthly task meet to voice opinions and strategies.

Save TV Butte

Oakridge is in danger

No matter who you are, the Old Hazeldell Quarry poses a danger to everyone in our community.

  • Cancer causing silica dust

    The quarry plans to remove 16.9 million tons of rock, potentially blasting harmful dust into Oakridge and risking diseases like cancer, stroke, and even diabetes.

    Air pollution

  • Pollution of our water

    The TV Butte quarry risks Oakridge's water, with them planning to use over 5,000 gallons per day and threatening Salmon Creek and other waterways with pollution.

    Water impact

  • Tourism and lost jobs

    Oakridge's tourism, our lifeblood, hangs in the balance. Old Hazeldell Quarry promises just 10 jobs in exchange for destroying our economy, with no guarantee they'll go to locals.

    Economic fallout

TV Butte - History until now


Quarry is proposed

- Dec, 2015

Old Hazeldell Quarry, LLC proposes the "Old Hazeldell Quarry" project by applying to rezone 46 acres of forested land on TV Butte for gravel mining. The proposal sparks concern among residents of Oakridge, who worry about potential negative impacts on air quality, noise pollution, wildlife habitat, and the scenic value of the butte.

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Oakridge Strong forms

- Apr 2016

Then known as "Save TV Butte," our organization forms to organize opposition to the quarry project. We hold work to raise awareness, organize Oakridge citizens, and submit Oakridge's opinion to the Lane County Planning Commission expressing our concerns.

Lane County deliberations

- 2017

The Lane County Planning Commission holds numerous hearings on the quarry proposal, featuring expert testimony from both sides. The vast majority of public comments submitted are in opposition to the project. Concerns about air quality, noise, wildlife, and scenic value remain at the forefront of the opposition.

Quarry Permit denied

- Oct, 2020

After years of deliberation and public input, the Lane County Board of Commissioners votes 3-2 to deny the quarry permit. They ackgnowledge potential negative impacts on air quality, water resources, and wildlife, outweighing any economic benefits. This decision is a major victory for Oakridge.

Old Hazeldell lawsuit

- Aug, 2023

After having their permit denied, Old Hazeldell Quarry, LLC appeals the Court of Appeals decision to the Oregon Supreme Court. They argue the lower court misinterpreted the law and failed to adequately consider the economic benefits of the project. The Supreme Court has yet to announce whether they will hear the case.

As of today

- 2024, Onward

The future of TV Butte remains uncertain. While the Lane County decision and Court of Appeals ruling are victories for conservation efforts, the ongoing legal battle adds an element of uncertainty. Save TV Butte remains vigilant, monitoring the situation and prepared to defend the butte if necessary.

TV Butte - Old Hazeldell Quarry

What to expect

Crown Properties aims to bring this to Oakridge.

Our Mission

Building our community

In the face of adversity, we believe that the most important thing you can do is come together as a community. Come together with us to enjoy music, art, food, and fun activities to help make Oakridge the best city it can be.

Our History

Sharing and preserving Oakridge history

From the McCredie Hot Springs to Oakridge's indigenous roots, we take pride in sharing what makes Oakridge so beautiful.

Take action

Make a difference. Don't let Big Business push Oakridge out.

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